Thursday, February 18, 2010

You knew it was coming-- SPAM!

WELCOME! Eaters of spam(:< And no I'm not talking about the stuff you send to your junk folder on your e-mail. Spam was actually around before the internet. Yes, there was a time before the internet. (*Shock!*) Do you know what Spam is made of? Cause I do. It's made up of chopped pork with ham, salt, water, modified potato starch, sugar and sodium nitrite. That's Spam Classic, by the way. Spam is a product of Hormel and it comes in a few different flavors. You can purchase your Spam with bacon in it (yes, our friend bacon is everywhere, it's so great, my heart is swollen with love), Spam with cheese in it, Spam light (for all of you watching your figure), Spam singles if you want an easier and quicker Spam sandwich (the single come in light too! No fear, dieters, no fear!), low sodium Spam, hot and spicy Spam, golden honey grail spam, spreadable Spam (I cringe at that thought, spreadable spam... *shudder*), and the even grosser sounding Spam garlic. Spam has been in your local grocery store since 1937 and even though it might not be so popular in your household in Guam the statistic is that more than eight cans of Spam are consumed by every person each year. Spam is sold in over 50 countries meaning that's is a pretty popular dish. There's even a Spam fan club. (You had to know it was coming) They like Spam in the Philippines so much that in February 2004 they opened the SPAMJAM Cafe. That's right, a Spam cafe. This cafe features items such as Spam heros ( a sandwich with Spam, tomato, and cheese), Spam burgers, Spam clubs, Spam spaghetti, Spam baked macaroni, Spam nuggets, and Spam Caesar salad. Spam, it turns out, is much more interesting than most people would have guessed. Who'da thunk it?
Oh, and Spam has a mascot. Spammy the pig, although he's not really around anymore. Hey, mascots gotta retire too!
EDIT: I forgot! They also made a special edition Hawaiian Spam with pineapple in it. I'm not going to lie, that sounds delicious, no joke.

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