Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In an ingredient bind?

Have you ever started baking a cake or some cookies but forgot to check the recipe and later while mixing ingredients you find that you don't have enough eggs or there's no more milk? No worries, this blog is for you. Our first substitution is apple sauce. This can be used in place of oil or eggs and lately it's become more popular for getting back into shape. According to many websites you can't taste the difference. (This is a substitution for baking, so I probably wouldn't use it to make my ravioli.) Another substitute is the banana. You can use it instead of eggs in cake, muffins, and the like. This is a discovery found by a lovely friend of mine and it's hasn't failed yet. There seems to be a trend in fruit here and my baker's knowledge tells me that you can probably also substitute eggs or oil for pear sauce as well.
Milk can be substituted with cream (Warning, remember, creamer tends to be SWEET), fruit juice, or water (not recommended, but entirely possible). Don't have cornstarch? Use 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour, potato flour, or rice flour for every tablespoon of cornstarch. That's all you're getting for now, just the basics. Hopefully this was helpful, these facts have definitely gotten me out of a few baking binds.
*REMEMBER: Substitutions may change the outcome of your product in small or very drastic ways. I tried to give you the ingredients that will change your recipes minimally.


  1. I love applesauce brownies they're very tasty. But I had no idea that you can substitute fruit juice and water for cream! That is awesome. I can't wait to make something using fruit sauce, fruit juice, and water.

  2. Haha, you can't substitute fruit juice and water for cream, that would taste terrible. You can substitute those things for milk. :]

  3. I never knew you could use fruit juice as a substitute, but I have heard you could use orange soda for chocolate cakes. My friend did this once and she said it gave the cake a nice citrus flavor. I really want to try using a banana as a substitute,that sounds interesting.

  4. This is giovanni from the religion and theology blog, you talked about how you follow Nostradamus and his prohpecies, but honeslty I would not look to Nostradamus to see whats going to happen in the future. Many people think of one of quatrains mention hitler, but really he says Hister which is latin for the Danube river,
    I havent looked into it but I would imagine his prohecies to be vague and loosely connected to events today. Also there is another one were he prohecies famnine death war in the years 1999 2000. Im sure there were some of that, but he has no reference to a place, country, person, relating to these events. I dont think that is credible because these things happen all the time and just because he comes out and says that plagues, war and famine will happen in a two year period doesnt make him anything. If i were you i wouldnt put my trust in a man making vague statements.
