Thursday, February 18, 2010

Are you feeling sweet or salty?

Sweet or salty, what's your flavor? Stuck in the middle? Here's a tip, try some potato chip cookies. And here's what's really great about them, you can make them without having to go to the store! (most likely) All you need is flour, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, and some potato chips. Simple as that! I'm not crazy either, there are a surprising amount of people who have tried this tasty snack and liked it. I can't really give credit to anybody for being the original creator of this cookie because it's like the waffle cone, a lot of people thought of it and it just sort of happened. You may Google and find a creator but I will not acknowledge it if you decide to get smart with me. :P Want to try making this unique treat? Click here. (:


  1. I seriously check up on this blog every week! I LOVE reading about all of these unique types of foods that i would never think of! Even though they seem disgusting, I am promising myself that one i day i am going to try at least one of these unusual recipes!

  2. I saw a recipe for these cookies the other day and thought it was really weird but also really interesting. I would never think of eating a cookie that contained potato chips in it, it just seems wrong. But I think I might just try that recipe to see how they come out!

  3. This seems like it wouldn't be a good combination. Something very salty mixed with something that's very sweet. Even though it doesn't sound to appetizing, I would like to try it sometime because I love cookies and chips.

  4. Sweet and salty things have always been paired together. O:
    Chocolate covered pretzels, for example, delicious.

  5. That sounds so tasty! I really want to eat some of these cookies and M&Ms on pizza. Gahhh I am very hungry and wanting a salty-sweet combination right now. Who ever came up with this is bloody brilliant.

  6. I am like everybody else that has posted on this particular entry, confused.. I have trouble believing that this could be good but I do see how your example of sweet and salty things being paired together has worked in the past. I think that each week someone should read your blog, find a crazy recipe, bake it, and then bring it in for us all to cringe and then begrudgingly take bites out of it because we are so curious.
