Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's that flavor!? (Ice cream edition)

Maple bacon ice cream. When I first decided to write this blog I was going to do a background on it and explain what it is but that would be SOOO boring. So I'm going to arm you with the knowledge to be able to make it yourself. First thing is first *consuming any raw or uncooked meat is dangerous and can be toxic. It is strongly advised that you cook your bacon thoroughly.
Now that that's out of the way, you can start by cooking your bacon, 1/4 of a pound. (The recipe I'm going to give you will make about a pint, probably a little more, by the way.) The bacon should be cooked crispy because soft bacon just screams, "I'm going to be smushy and slippery in your ice cream!" After you prepare your bacon you can set it aside on a paper towel to absorb the excess fat. While preparing your bacon, if you can multitask, you can put 1/2 cup of maple syrup in a pot and reduce(boil it down) to about 3/4 of the 1/2 cup. Please do not do this unless you can keep track of it. If you blame me when your pot catches on fire I will show your parents my warning personally. After your maple syrup is reduced you're going to whip it in a bowl with 4 egg yolks, and 3/8 of a cup of sugar (it's half of 3/4 a cup of sugar if you eye it in the measuring cup). The mixture should be light in color when you finish. Now take the pot you cooked the bacon in and wipe in out and pour in 2 1/4 cups heavy cream and 3/4 cup of whole milk. You're going to heat it until it's hot but don't let it boil. If you don't watch this it will boil over and you could burn yourself. Or you could just make a really big mess. Just never walk away from boiling milk or cream, okay? Add 1/2 a cup of your milk and cream mixture to the egg mixture and mix them. When that's done you're going to mix what you just stirred into the hot milk and cream. Get out a strainer because you're going to be straining this mix into a bowl that's placed over another bowl that's filled with ice. This is to make sure that your ice cream does not over cook. When your almost ice cream is cold, stick it in an ice cream maker and let the machine do its work. Finally when your ice cream is done and made, you stir in the bacon and let it freeze overnight. Today's blog was a little different but hey, we've all gotta try new things. Enjoy!~

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool. I love bacon and ice-cream! When you put them together it must be a food orgy!
